Top Cleansing Diet Principles For Healing From Lyme Disease

 In Understanding Lyme

Many people wonder what is the best diet for aiding healing from Lyme disease. While there is no one right diet for everyone, the goal for everyone is the same: to eat in such a way that strengthens and nourishes the body, and does not feed disease.

One of the most important things I look for when working with patients and their individual diets is that what they eat no longer contributes to the waste congestion and toxicity that gets in the way of healing.

You might intuitively understand that it’s a good idea to unload the burdens of indulgence and excess that inevitably creep into – and often dominates – the modern lifestyle. When you’re trying to heal from Lyme, these excesses will become a barrier to healing.

Most of us think about “doing a cleanse” in the form of a short fast or a restricted diet combined with concoctions that force the organs to expel the waste-stuff they’ve been storing.

These types of cleanses pose certain potential problems and might leave you wondering – what if my body can’t handle it? What if it makes me feel worse? How do I do it in the midst of my busy demanding life?

lemon water-ulI propose a different approach: the Holistic Cleansing Lifestyle.

You heard right, adopting a daily routine involving hydration, juicing, food combining principles, and other dietary and daily rituals that tip the cleansing/clogging scales in your favor. Here are the basic principles of the dietary part of a holistic cleansing lifestyle:

Take advantage of your body’s natural daily cleansing and healing cycle. Make the morning a time of fluid intake only, starting with lemon water until you are clearly hungry, followed by freshly made vegetable juice.

    1. beautiful salad-ulConsume a large salad every day with a variety of raw veggies and an easy dressing of lemon juice, sea salt and olive oil. A side dish of grains or protein is fine if you feel the need for more food to keep you going. If you live in the north, you might eat less salad and more vegetable soup (based in bone broth) in the winter. This is fine, but still try to include some raw veggies.
    2. Observe the principles of proper food combining for all meals and snacks. This makes for easeful digestion (so long as you are not consuming a food you are allergic to) and requires less energy from the body.In a nutshell, the rules of food combining put forth that veggies can be eaten with any other food. Yet starches, animal proteins / fats, and plant protein / fat must be eaten separately from each other. Fruit is eaten alone. Educate yourself on the finer points of these principles, as there is additional useful information easily available that is beyond the scope of this article.blueberries in hand-ul

And as always, let your body speak to you and tell you what works best for your unique system.




3. Overall, you want to consume a majority of vegetables (and fruit unless you don’t tolerate fruit well) in your diet. A cleansing diet involves more raw foods than cooked, with grains, or animal-products becoming smaller and less frequent side dishes the deeper you go into cleansing mode.

The amount of vegetable vs. other food you consume will be dictated by what your body-mind is ready for, and will change gradually as you want to step up your level of cleansing over time. Write out a daily food plan that feels do-able, yet involves a level of change.

All of the above will create a disease-reversing alkaline environment inside your cells and tissues. It will also begin to draw toxins and disease-causing substances, which are acidic in nature, out of the tissues to be eliminated. And your food will no longer feed the harmful bacteria in your gut.

Finding the right diet and timing with food can be tricky as you are on the path to healing from Lyme disease.

There is often a need for guidance at some point along this journey. Please consider enrolling in our 1-month or 6-month Holistic Lyme Treatment Programs to receive the guidance you need.

Happy Cleansing!


Ready to learn how to effectively, safely detox – and literally clear the way for healing? Check out Detox For Lyme, our 8-week online course, which teaches you everything you need to know to cleanse and fast, whether you are just learning how or ready to move to an advanced level of cleansing.

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  • shoshana rotem

    Very helpful, indeed, to be reminded of these important principles. I feel inspired, now, to tighten up my eating habits. Many thanks, Hillary!

  • Debbie

    Interested in holistic lyme treatment program.

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