A new paradigm for Lyme &
Lyme-like illness
Healing the inner terrain of the whole person – naturally
Uprooting Lyme helps patients and holistic practitioners uncover the roots of Lyme and complex chronic illness to heal naturally from the inside out.
Our unique approach incorporates the powerful holistic methods of detoxification, immune system rebuilding, and health generation as part of a personalized treatment plan to guide patients to a full recovery.
It’s possible to be symptom-free, resilient, and healthy again.
If you or your patient has Lyme, you may feel overwhelmed, confused, and frustrated. Lyme and complex chronic conditions like autoimmune illnesses, chronic inflammatory conditions, and infectious diseases are on the rise, but the most common remedies offered – antibiotics and anti-inflammatories – are only partially effective, if at all.
Simplistic solutions can’t cure complex illness.
Natural and holistic protocols that draw out the disease process at its roots can.
Uprooting Lyme provides treatment for patients and training for holistic practitioners that uncovers the sources of symptoms, unburdens the body of toxins and infection, accelerates healing, and clears the energetic and physical roadblocks to recovery.
Learn what your body really requires to heal.


You’ve got Lyme (or maybe you don’t know what you have). You’ve been to more doctors and health practitioners than you can count, but your situation is more complex than they can handle. You’re tired of the lack of concrete solutions. Are you ready to begin a natural, transformational healing process?

You’re not content with natural medicine being the “alternative.” You care deeply for your patients and are as frustrated as they are when they don’t recover. Join the only year-long holistic practitioner mentorship program for the treatment of Lyme and complex chronic illness.
“I felt moved to share with you how grateful I am for the level of care and support I experienced. Being treated was a peak experience in what was a true whole person approach to understanding and healing my body. The results are amazing. I’ve got my energy and vitality back! My mind feels clear. My elimination is regular and predictable. I feel incredible. I really was in a health crisis due to Lyme disease that affected my energy, mood, and whole being. It’s great to feel like me again.”
“I just had to drop a quick note to thank you for the Holistic Lyme Practitioner Mentorship Training. I’m sitting at my desk this morning with tears of joy rolling down my cheeks. I feel an excitement, optimism, and connectedness to myself and to my work that I haven’t felt in years. My heart is overflowing with gratitude and love for you, the program you’ve created, and your joyous and diligent support team.”