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Our hearts and prayers go out to those presently affected by the LA fires. Wildfires are occurring more often and with greater scope and intensity. The smoke from these wildfires travels far [...]
“Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons.” – Jim Bishop To help you stay healthy and vibrant throughout the fall and winter, here are our 10 best autumn health tips! [...]
In this article we’ll share the case story of a woman who was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, and how we can understand the underlying causes of such an illness to facilitate effective [...]
Cryptolepis sanguinolenta, a West African herb that has been used medicinally for thousands of years, has many benefits that apply to the common health challenges of today. This article [...]
Baical skullcap, Scutellaria baicalensis for the scientists among us, or huang qin as we know it in Chinese herbalism, is a potent herbal ally for our times. The species [...]
At our clinic in Stone Ridge, NY we specialize in the treatment of “stealth infections.” Such infections are challenging to diagnose, not well-recognized by most doctors, involve changing / [...]
At our clinic, we see many women who discover that they have Lyme while pregnant, or become pregnant while healing from chronic Lyme. Tick-borne infections can pass through the placenta and [...]
Key Insights for Reversing Autoimmunity & Chronic Inflammation These days, many people are looking for herbs for immune support. But what really works, especially when you’re facing [...]
The best protection against viral infection is a healthy immune system. Our bodies are home to 100 times more viruses than human cells, and viruses have influenced the evolution of life on this [...]