True healing is an inside job.
We believe in the power of natural medicine to treat the roots of disease & support your innate healing capacity.
You’re probably here because you, someone you love, or your patients have been affected by Lyme or a Lyme-like chronic illness. After trying so many different things to heal yourself, or them, you’re exhausted and confused. The Western medical approach by itself isn’t working. Uprooting Lyme’s Founder, Hillary Thing, understands.
Her husband was infected with Lyme disease 10 months after they were married. Two weeks later, their home was struck by lightning that set the whole house on fire. Both events spawned a long and stressful journey, but out of the char and rubble of body and home rose a new way of treating Lyme.
Uprooting Lyme is the result of two decades of Hillary’s research and clinical experience using holistic and natural strategies to heal complex health problems – including cancer, Lyme, chronic infection, and chronic inflammatory disease.

We have helped thousands of patients heal from Lyme and Lyme-like diseases.
If you or people you care about are struggling with Lyme or Lyme-like disease, it may feel like the house has burned to the ground and there’s nowhere to turn for answers or comfort. Uprooting Lyme will give you the tools and support you need to rebuild your body, mind, and spirit.
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When a patient with Lyme or complex chronic illness goes to a conventional medical doctor, they will most likely receive an incomplete diagnosis and simplistic fix. Based on unreliable lab work, diagnosis and treatment is a crapshoot. They likely will be treated as if what is causing their symptoms is not important. Many Western medical doctors find themselves constrained – either by virtue of the Western medical industry, or limited training.
At Uprooting Lyme, we know that the path to healing looks different for each person. We understand that complex illness requires individualized treatment plans that address the needs of the whole, natural person. The goal is to help your body do the work of repair and regeneration.
Our work together begins by performing a deep evaluation to find the true source of the symptoms. They may be caused by the original diagnosis (e.g. Lyme) or by a combination of interwoven factors and influences, many of which are not well understood or recognizable by most doctors or alternative health practitioners.
Then, we create an individualized treatment plan customized to what the patient’s body, mind, and spirit require at that point in their healing process. Holistic strategies may include detoxification, gut restoration, the elimination of microbial pathogens, immunity support and modulation, hormone balancing, nervous system regeneration, and more.

Hillary Thing, LAc
Founder of Uprooting Lyme, Bloom & Reveal Botanicals, & Clinic Director of the Nourishing Life Health Center
I’m a passionate advocate of holistic and natural medicine. I believe the rise of Lyme and Lyme-like illness is a call for us to transform how we live our lives, understand our bodies’ innate healing power, and shift from allopathic to holistic, energy-based medicine.
For over twenty years, I’ve treated Lyme and complex chronic disease with Classical Chinese Medicine, including acupuncture and herbal medicine, and a range of clinically validated holistic techniques. I also use a broad range of cleansing practices based on a regimen I created for myself which had a huge impact on my health: It nearly eliminated all Bartonella symptoms and resulted in the natural pregnancy and birth of my second child at the age of 42.
My mission is to provide access to holistic, natural tools to recover from Lyme and complex chronic illness to as many people as possible. Consequently, in addition to treating patients and training holistic practitioners with these techniques, I speak at conferences, community gatherings, and schools across the country.
I admit it: I’m kind of a geek when it comes to solving mysteries. When I was growing up, my father advised me, “Never go anywhere without a book.” I think I’ve carried that wisdom with me as I’m constantly seeking new knowledge and insights to help my patients, my family, and myself to live our best lives. To relax, I spend time in my garden and love being outdoors with my two daughters and husband.

Pam Gould, Registered Herbalist (AHG)
It is an honor to help others on their healing journey. My personal experiences with Lyme as well as both of my children’s illnesses led me to specialize in helping others heal from tick borne disease and complex chronic health problems rooted in infection and inflammation.
I believe that true health involves more than just healing the physical body. We look at the whole person and not just isolate potential underlying infections. I have learned that true wellness involves the integration of daily habits that heal both the physical and spiritual body to support the whole person.
I look forward to walking with you every step on your journey back to vibrant health!

Kelsey Conger, Clinical Herbalist & Nutritionist
I know it’s 100% possible to heal from chronic Lyme and chronic illness, because I’ve been through this journey myself. While different medications, diets, and protocols have their place, nothing is more important than building a healthy foundation, learning to trust your intuition, and finding a supportive care team that has your back. I don’t want anyone to go through the same struggles I did, when there’s clearly a better way!
When we begin to work with the body and with nature, healing becomes inevitable.
I host the Planet Spoonie podcast and hold a BA in Contemplative Psychology and Environmental Studies, an MS in Clinical Herbal Medicine, and a Post-Masters Certificate in Integrative Nutrition.
In addition to my work with Lyme and chronic illness, I teach women interested in improving fertility, hormonal, and reproductive health, as well as natural birth control and conception, how to chart and optimize their menstrual cycles using the Symptothermal Fertility Awareness Method. When not at my desk I enjoy both growing and foraging for native local plant foods and medicines in the coastal southwest and on a lake in the foothills of the ozarks, grounding my practice in the rich traditions of animism, vitalism, + bioregional herbalism.
You can heal Lyme & Lyme-like disease naturally
Are you ready to enter into a deep, transformational healing process for yourself, or your patients? Learn more about how to heal Lyme and complex chronic disease with clinically-proven holistic practices, strategies, and protocols.
“A friend referred me to Hillary, “the Miracle Doctor” as we call her. She is extremely knowledgeable about herbs and has turned my life around. She was able to clear Lyme from my system when other methods weren’t working (and my daughter’s too!).”