Holistic Lyme Treatment: 5 Keys to Clinical Success
There are many alternative treatments, herbs and supplements that are recommended for Lyme and complex chronic disease on the internet and at medical conferences.
The choices are overwhelming in fact, and it’s hard as a practitioner (or self-medicating patient) to know what’s really going to work for a particular individual and the unique disease and symptom constellation they are facing.
All too often treatment success with chronically ill patients is elusive.
What follows are 5 keys to clinical success with Lyme and Lyme-like diseases. They come from my over 20 years of clinical practice with complex chronic diseases. Use these essential guiding principles to improve your treatment outcomes with chronic infectious inflammatory illness such as Lyme, co-infections, auto-immune disease, and mold illness.
Key to clinical success #1:
Guide patient’s treatment with clinical strategy. Strategy is your grand design, your roadmap for healing, your reason for making clinical choices. You need to know why you’re recommending a particular treatment or product (other than just maybe it could help!).
Without strategy, you’re throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. The right strategic framework strengthens your ability to provide leadership as a practitioner by grounding you with a roadmap for healing based in the wisdom and ancient and natural medicine, – such as the one we teach in the Holistic Lyme Practitioner Mentorship.
Key to clinical success #2:
Seek out and address your patient’s roadblocks to recovery. Most people who are chronically ill and burdened by infections and inflammation are also hindered by other factors that are blocking their ability to heal (in addition to the known causes of disease). When you learn to detect and treat these roadblocks, breakthroughs in healing can occur, and your well-conceived treatment plan can work.
Some of the most common roadblocks to recovery include heavy metal toxicity, mold biotoxin illness, untreated co-infections, immune deficiency, hormonal deficiencies, and dental cavitations. There are more, so learning to identify these in your patients is a great place to start.
Key to clinical success #3:
Create treatments and treatment plans that are specially designed for the Lyme and Lyme-like patient population. Chronic multi-systems, infectious, inflammatory, and immune deficiency diseases have their own unique requirements for effective, successful treatment. If you don’t know what these requirements are, then chances are your treatment attempts will fall short.
If you’d like to learn more, we discuss these in detail throughout the Holistic Lyme Practitioner Mentorship course.
Key to clinical success #4:
Cultivating the Life Force (qi / prana) Energy and it’s flow (or lack thereof) is the #1 priority of treatment. If a course of treatment (such as antibiotics) is beginning to compromise the Life Force, then it is time to stop or take a break. The Life Force Energy Flow is reflected in the patient’s pulse, energy level, mood, immune system, and overall sense of hope and well-being.
Practitioners of all kinds can learn to become aware of and be informed by changes in the status of a patient’s life force energy flow. It is our energy, spirit, and vitality – and our innate capacity to heal and respond positively to treatment.
Key to clinical success #5:
A successful approach to the treatment of Lyme disease involves multiple building blocks that can be combined in flexible ways to treat each individual’s unique presentation, history, constitution, and phase of recovery.
Some of the foundational building blocks that constitute the treatment plans at our clinic include: a holistic cleansing lifestyle, food as medicine, toxin reduction, herbal formulas, essential oils, heavy metal detox, cellular rehydration techniques, acupuncture, Rife therapy, various light therapies, and more.
Again, what is crucial is not so much the therapy itself, but knowing WHY, based in a strategic choice that is based in an understanding of the current needs of the patient and what will move them forward to a greater level of health.
Treatment must address both the excess infection-toxic burden and the deficiency aspects of the disease.
And that is what the Uprooting Lyme approach provides: penetrating insight, strategic treatment navigation, and effective natural healing methods.
Holistic Lyme Clinical Experience & Training is Vital for Practitioners
There is no substitute for clinical experience for health practitioners who want to specialize in Lyme, auto-immune, and complex chronic disease. That’s why our year-long professional training is anchored in live clinical experiences that supply you with ample real-life cases to workshop, practice and apply the principles of holistic Lyme recovery in a guided setting.
Learn more and apply at www.uprootinglyme.com/mentorship/.