Liposomal Essential Oil Remedies:
A Linchpin of Clinical Success
with Hillary Thing, L.Ac
Wednesday, February 17th, 6 – 7 pm ET
Online via Zoom
Looking for effective, easy-to-prescribe botanical medicines for your Lyme and complex disease patients?
Would you like the option for safer and non-toxic options for reliably treating infections and lowering inflammation, rather than resorting to pharmaceuticals?
As a natural medicine practitioner, I have been specializing in Lyme disease for many years, effectively using herbs, diet, detox, lifestyle, acupuncture and other modalities to treat Lyme and similar chronic infections.
Yet, even with my best efforts, some patients still hit a wall. It seemed that the natural medicine tool chest I had at my disposal was not enough.
Inspired by new research suggesting that essential oils could be more effective than even the best pharmaceuticals for killing the persistent bacteria that cause chronic and recurring infections, I learned how to make essential oil mixtures that could be delivered in the safest and most effective way – liposomally.
Liposomal essential oil remedies are an innovative form of herbal medicine that are truly a breakthrough in holistic Lyme treatment.
This webinar will explain what liposomal essential oil remedies are, when and how to prescribe and use them, and what makes them so effective.
I will also share the latest research that demonstrates the potency and potential for using essential oils to treat Lyme and other complex illness and chronic infection.
We’ll discuss:
- Specific liposomal EO formulations for conditions such as Lyme disease, mold toxicity, parasites, and biofilm, so you understand how they work.
- Recommended dosages and pacing for best outcomes.
- How to use these products in the context of a strategic treatment plan.
- Other details that will help you feel confident and prepared in prescribing and using them with your patients.
Liposomal EO remedies are antimicrobial, anti-toxin, and anti-inflammatory allies that treat complex illness at the source. (and Uprooting Lyme now makes them available to practitioners at wholesale pricing; click here for details.)
Your success rate with Lyme and complex illness can increase substantially when you have the most effective tools to work with. Join us to learn how to have these treatments at your fingertips!
Register here!
Can’t attend live? We’ll send all registrants the recording for 72 hours following the live webinar.
Presented by: Hillary Thing, LAc., Master Herbalist. Hillary has spent the past 2 decades of clinical practice digging for answers to complex health problems, including cancer, Lyme, chronic infection, and chronic inflammatory disease. Her clinical practice is devoted to teaching people how to heal naturally from Lyme and complex chronic diseases, and in the process build a vibrant, disease-resistant life along the way. She created the Holistic Lyme Practitioner Mentorship to support other holistic practitioners in gaining mastery of the treatment of Lyme and complex chronic disease.