For Herbal Solutions For Your Lyme & Complex Patients on
Wednesday January 29, 2020 (6-7pm EST)
Here is the link to join the webinar:
During this webinar you will receive:
- An in-depth explanation of how we utilize the specialty herbal and liposomal essential oil remedies that are a frequently prescribed back-bone of our successful Lyme-based practice;
- Specific recipe formulations, so you understand what they are made of and how to apply them to your cases.
- Recommended dosages and pacing for best outcomes.
- How to use these products in the context of a strategic treatment plan.
- Sample protocols for acute Lyme disease and chronic Lyme / Lyme-like illness with various presentations using these and additional products.
Your success rate with Lyme and complex illness will soar when you have the most effective tools to work with + the strategic understanding of what, how and when to prescribe these herbal formulations designed specifically for patients with Lyme disease and Lyme-like illness.
I look forward to sharing this vital information with you!
Yours in health & high vibes,

Presented by:
Hillary Thing, LAc., Master Herbalist. Hillary has spent the past 2 decades of clinical practice digging for answers to complex health problems, including cancer, Lyme, chronic infection, and chronic inflammatory disease. Her personal health, family, and community has been deeply affected by Lyme disease. As a result, her clinical practice is devoted to teaching people how to heal naturally from Lyme and complex chronic diseases, and in the process build a vibrant, disease-resistant life along the way. She is creator of the only year-long professional training in holistic Lyme treatment, the Holistic Lyme Practitioner Mentorship.